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Amy has a clear grasp of how to turn ideas into reality and how policy translates into programs on the ground. She is recognized for her ability to articulate clear needs and outcomes, and design unique programs that not only address the big picture, but can be successfully implemented. Her specialty is coming up with ways to solve problems through design and implementation of creative, original programs. Examples:

"Amy played a critical role in the formation of the Green Chemistry and Commerce Council, a network of some 80 companies dedicated to advancing safer chemistry.

 “In addition to helping us to articulate pragmatic goals and an agenda that would engage participants, Amy applied her keen and hard hitting networking, outreach and messaging skills to encourage a diverse group of companies to attend and to remain actively engaged in the Council.   

“What started as an academic discussion became a strategic network thanks to Amy"


– Joel A. Tickner, ScD
Assoc. Prof., UMass Lowell
Project Director, Lowell Center for Sustainable Production



Leading a team of Zero Waste experts in working with a City of Boston appointed advisory committee to develop Zero Waste recommendations to the Mayor, including ways Boston could incorporate Zero Waste economic development into its business retention, growth, and attraction strategies.


As a consultant to the Green Chemistry & Commerce Council, facilitating the Mainstreaming Green Chemistry working group and authoring An Agenda to Mainstream Green Chemistry, identifying strategies to advance the field of green chemistry. 


Leading the Clean Tech Initiative for the UMass Lowell Center for Sustainable Production, including articulating and implementing the project’s vision and strategy. The Initiative recommended policies to reorient the Commonwealth’s economic development approach around five key clean technologies.


Designing the first Green Chemistry Innovators Roundtable for the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production, bringing together business, government, and NGO leaders to discuss drivers and barriers to the development of less toxic products and processes. The success of this meeting led to the formation of the Green Chemistry & Commerce Council (now Change Chemistry) 


As the founding Executive Director of the Chelsea Center for Recycling and Economic Development, developing the organization’s mission, programs, staffing, and services, and working with businesses, researchers, state and local government, and community-based organizations to implement that mission.  Working with a diverse group of stakeholders and an outside consultant, developing the Commonwealth’s first Strategic Plan for Recycling Market Development.


As the Director of Recycling for the City and County of San Francisco, hiring and managing staff and consultants and working with community organizations and businesses to pioneer programs and outreach strategies serving residential and business sectors. Conceived and oversaw the implementation of the nation’s most ambitious curbside recycling program. Increased the City's recycling rate by 70%

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